Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Back to Blogging

Well, hello blog readers. Life has been busy around here. School, piano lessons, and LOTS of learning going on for me- learning about baking bread, soaking flour and oats, using maple syrup or honey or stevia for sweetening things... I could go on and on. I must say that I am pleasantly surprised at how much I've enjoyed learning these health things, even though at certain moments I am very overwhelmed by how many changes we are making and can continue to make. I am most excited about being healthier and feeling healthier!! :)

Lydia is doing very well- she is sooooo sweet and such a good baby!!!! The transition to six little munchkins seems to have gone very well!

I'm very excited to have spring here- winter always seems soooo long here in Ohio. When the temp hits the 50s in early spring, it always feels sooooo warm :) and I'm always sooooo excited to sit in the sun. Such a contrast to sunny California!

My sweet Peyton boy turns two tomorrow - Happy Birthday Peyton!!! He is such a blessing! He loves to be with me in the kitchen each morning as I make breakfast and put away clean dishes. He loves to play with "choo-choos" and trucks/cars and toy animals. His latest favorite activity is riding a little scooter outside; he LOVES being outside.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Heather - thanks so much for sharing. I can relate a little to having a super sweet baby right now with our little 5 month old baby girl, Esther. We are also so glad for the arrival of spring. It's been a very damp, cold winter here in Nevada County. It's also been long b/c we were hit with lots of colds & flus and difficulty staying healthy w/ immunity down from the sleep deprivation that comes with having a newborn in the house. I'm loving the sunshine and have even found myself on the floor with the kiddos by our sliding glass door sitting in the sun beam like a cat. Ha! Blessings to you from ours! I can't believe you are a mom to SIX! Wow! It blows my mind. It's so cute to see and read about them on the side of your blog here. Great to be in touch with you again. Love & hugs, Eva
    PS - A healthy warm weather drink I made (not in that Nourishing Traditions book but inspired from the info) that you may want to try is Celestial Seasonings Blueberry Cooler ice tea... then add some Stevia and Xyletol. Super yum & like a healthy alternative to "punch". :o)
