Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sunshine and More Big Sister Hugs!

Peyton is definitely NOT short on sister hugs! He even gets a brother hug from Isaac now and then. But it's the sisters that do most of the spoiling : )

Our day today is FILLED with sunshine!!!!! Wow!! I LOVE the sunshine!!! The sun shining on the breakfast table is one of my favorite ways to start the morning. And kids playing happily out in the sun is the best. We even did some school work out in the sun. Then there's the in-the-sun-watering-of-the-pregarden-plants, Chad's MANY garden plants. (Chad has done a spectacular job of planting and growing our garden before it was even thinking about being warm outside). And the weatherman says there's more sun tomorrow- thank You Lord for the sun!


  1. Those pictures are adorable! They remind me of the hugs Riley gets from his big sister. :)

  2. Heather,
    Your family is beautiful, just precious. It seems like we have a lot in common... 5 kids, homeschooling... how neat. Thanks so much for the prayers. I so appreciate others in the body of Christ lifting us up, it is a tough journey, but we are blessed:)
