Monday, April 27, 2009

Summer in April

This evening I thought I'd share with you THE "Moment of the Day". (That has a nice ring to it, maybe I'll have to include that in each post.)

Here it is: My wonderful husband was grilling hamburgers, the breeze sending me the wonderful smell of summertime grilling (in APRIL! 85 degrees) while all the other precious children (except sleeping Peyton) were happily riding their bikes up and down the driveway. This was especially fun to watch because of all the 'improvements' with the bikes: Brianna has become more confident riding her bike, Kayla learned to ride without training wheels a day or two ago, and Daddy (did I mention how wonderful he is?) fixed up a free boy bike for Isaac, complete with a new seat and Daddy-cut and Daddy-bent training wheels. Boy is Isaac proud!! And to top it off, Elisa was singing as loud as she could: "The B-I-B-L-E, yes that's the book for me. I stand alone on the word of God, the B-I-B-L-E!!" She sung it over and over and over and they all rode happily until it was time to come in for dinner. So wonderful. Such great times. We are sooooo blessed!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Here's a list of a few happenings of the last few days:

  • Isaac is wearing 'underwear' ALL day and has done a great job keeping them dry!! Yay for potty training! And Isaac has told me several times, "They are not panties Mommy, they're UNDERWEAR!!!" I've apparently formed the habit of using the term panties ~ I guess the three girls who came before Isaac could explain that.

  • Dandelion picking is the new outdoor activity.

  • We had visitors yesterday: Mary Beth Miller and her kids Jakin, Corban, Annie, and Lauren. (We have known the Millers for a long time; Chad and Jack were great friends before I even knew Chad. Thus, Jack was Chad's best man in our wedding. They currently live far away so it's wonderful to get the chance to visit with them.) The kids had a great time playing outside while us ladies had a nice visit inside :) We will get to see them Saturday for Lauren's baptism.

  • Chad and I played our first soccer game of the spring season. Soooooo fun! We play on a co-ed team for old folks. Hehe. Boy were we sore the next day, oh, I mean the very moment the game ended. Hehe. Don't blink, the season doesn't last long - all of six weeks.

  • Peyton has been really fussy. Maybe it's the molars coming in.

  • Brianna finished her 20 reading books for 1st grade!!!! Not that she's done with reading, just with those particular books. She's done such a great job this year!!!

  • And the cute picture is not from the last few days, but I wanted to share it anyway. The kids love to help bake and they love their cute aprons. Thanks Renee Maggelet for the cute aprons!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sunshine and More Big Sister Hugs!

Peyton is definitely NOT short on sister hugs! He even gets a brother hug from Isaac now and then. But it's the sisters that do most of the spoiling : )

Our day today is FILLED with sunshine!!!!! Wow!! I LOVE the sunshine!!! The sun shining on the breakfast table is one of my favorite ways to start the morning. And kids playing happily out in the sun is the best. We even did some school work out in the sun. Then there's the in-the-sun-watering-of-the-pregarden-plants, Chad's MANY garden plants. (Chad has done a spectacular job of planting and growing our garden before it was even thinking about being warm outside). And the weatherman says there's more sun tomorrow- thank You Lord for the sun!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Big Sister Hugs

These pictures make me smile!! This morning I came across these pictures from last summer and just had to post them. I think that when the older kids love on the little ones it's the cutest thing in the world. Especially when there's the squishing of the cheeks (middle photo). I know it brightens my day and I hope it does the same to yours.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

He is Risen!

This evening was fun with the kids: they did their Easter basket/egg hunt inside (it was sunny out today, just not quite warm enough for outdoor festivities) and we read the resurrection story in the book of John. I really enjoyed talking with them about what Jesus did for us. It's amazing how much they understand. I guess I mean the older ones since Isaac declared it to be his birthday after finding the basket and eggs : ) Tomorrow we will be worshiping and celebrating Easter at church and then on to the McFaddens for Easter dinner. And more egg hunts.

Many blessings to all of you this Easter!!!

Romans 6.9-11 ... knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, dies no more. Death no longer has dominion over Him. For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

What happened to the rice?

Rice was part of our dinner this evening, and as we all started in on our food the following took place:

Brianna: "What happened to the rice???!!!"

Me: "Something happened to it. I'm not sure what I did."

Elisa: "That's okay, Mommy. I still like it."

SOOOO Sweet!!!

Chad: "I like it this way!"

A minute passes while everyone eats...

Kayla in a sweet voice: "Do I have to eat my rice???"

Me: "Well, yes. It's just rice... it's just really sticky!"

I couldn't help but laugh out loud. I don't mess up rice very often, or maybe according to Chad, I mess up rice ALL the time : ) Either way, now I know that Chad likes his rice really sticky, in big glob form really. Elisa was so sweet with her precious comment, and her cute face just made me want to run around the table to give her a big hug. And I really have NO idea what I did to the rice.